
“Reinventing Smalltalk, one decade at a Time”  

By Ryan Tomayko under Then they fight you..., F/OSS on 09. September 2005

Sam Ruby posts the slides from his FOSSSL keynote entitled, “The Case For Dynamic Languages”.

The slides make the case as well as slides can. I especially liked this bullet on Macro-performance vs Micro-performance:

Modest hardware running Perl can easily saturate your bandwidth

Similarly powerful arguments all the way through…

2 Responses to ““Reinventing Smalltalk, one decade at a Time””

  1. Anonymous:

    Modest hardware running Perl can easily saturate your bandwidth

    Surely the quote refers to Perl as a server side scripting language serving data very quickly.

    comment at 09. September 2005

  2. Sergio:

    These slides would do a 1000% better with a podcast, a la O’Reilly. Anyone recording there?

    comment at 09. September 2005