
Archive for December, 2005

<!DOCTYPE html …> and Microformats  2

Cat.: microformats
16. December 2005

Norman Walsh’s post on XMLK reminded of a post I had been meaning to write. I think microformats are a non-backwards compatible, but very practical, variation on XMLK. In this XML subset, HTML named character entities (e.g. &nbsp;) can be resolved without a DTD, having been grandfathered in.

Logging microformats  10

Cat.: Python, Ruby, microformats
13. December 2005

Here’s a slightly elided log line from a system I work with:

WARN 2005-09-28 14:38:38 StandardContext[/pmr]  {”mid”:”123″, “type”:”XYZ”, “msg”:”foo”, “T”:”2005-09-28 14:38″, “L”:”warn”}

It identifies an XML document passing through the system using some keys from the envelope. It may seem a strange looking way to log an event, but between the angle brackets lies a useful side effect - it’s a Python dictionary. Hence this (vastly oversimplified) example log processing code, that runs eval() on each log line to load the dictionaries into memory:

Python 2.4 (#60, Nov 30 2004, 11:49:19) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.
>>> dicts =[]
>>> import re
>>> p = re.compile(”.*({.*?}).*”)
>>> file = open(”log.txt”).readlines()
>>> for line in file:
…     m = p.match(line)
…     if m:
…             d = eval(m.group(1))
…             dicts.append(d)
>>> for d in dicts:
…    print d
{’L': ‘warn’, ‘mid’: ‘123′, ‘type’: ‘XYZ’, ‘T’: ‘2005-09-28 14:38′, ‘msg’: ‘frobnizer  found’}
{’L': ‘warn’, ‘mid’: ‘124′, ‘type’: ‘XYZ’, ‘T’: ‘2005-09-28 14:38′, ‘msg’: ‘frobnizer  found’}
{’L': ‘warn’, ‘mid’: ‘125′, ‘type’: ‘XYZ’, ‘T’: ‘2005-09-28 14:38′, ‘msg’: ‘frobnizer  found’}
{’L': ‘warn’, ‘mid’: ‘126′, ‘type’: ‘XYZ’, ‘T’: ‘2005-09-28 14:38′, ‘msg’: ‘frobnizer  found’}

What’s nice about doing this is that it’s cheap to write the log line in a way that maximises usefulness later on - logs are often an afterthought, but good logging is critical to operating production systems. And it’s one example where creating metadata is cheap.

As well as programming data structures (changing the above to a Ruby hash is straightforward), you can get log lines to output something like Turtle, which is a greppable RDF format. What’s good about Turtle in particular is that you can dump or stream a log file straight into an RDF query engine, such as ARQ without any transform step and start writing queries against the data. Or how about writing down inferencing rules that help indicate the business consequences of a software error? The log lines themselves don’t carry enough information, but combined with rules and some context as to where the log event came from you can do interesting and useful things - the biggest issue with any monitoring software is gathering up all those machine level events and contextualising them so that data (noise) can be turned it into information (signal). Think of a machine readable data stucture inside logfiles as just another microformat.

Dave Chapelle Endorses Radical Simplicity  8

Cat.: Then they laugh at you...
13. December 2005

Apologies for cross-posting again, but I thought this little piece on radical simplicity could be of interest to lesscoders. The reason I didn’t post it here is simply due to the fact that it contains a bit of an illicit language, which I wasn’t sure would be tolerated inhere. So anyway, if interested, read all about it here:

Dave Chapelle Endorses Radical Simplicity