
'AJAX' Archives

Dare’s $100  5

Cat.: AJAX
19. March 2006

Dare Obasanjo has a great post on allocating resources for XML, HTTP, and REST. The idea is that Don Box has given you an engineering budget, and you’re not allowed to steal money from the Web Services department. It goes like this:

You have $100 engineering dollars to spend. No matter how many millions we’d actually wind up spending, we use $100 as an easy number for people to keep in their heads.

There are well over $100 dollars worth of features you want.

The challenge is in determining how to spread the $100 in a way that produces with the most aggregate value.

I find myself in near-total agreement with Dare, except that I would take all that C# money and spend it on IronPython. This is lesscode, and we don’t believe in 48-character method names that VisualStudio autocompletes for us. :)

I find it particularly interesting that he allocated $40 to “better support for consuming XML in the browser.” Well, what a coincidence. I’ve been spending some time sheparding a JavaScript SAX interface through the Mozilla process. Now, I certainly don’t have any decision-making power, and I don’t speak for Mozilla, but wouldn’t it be cool if Microsoft exposed SAX to JavaScript? That could speed up a lot of AJAX. MSXML SAX objects are already available to client code as ActiveX objects, but you can’t write a ContentHandler in JavaScript for Internet Explorer. Bummer. Why not? AJAX developers are getting pretty good at event-driven code.

Half a Baby Step  5

Cat.: First they ignore you.., AJAX, microformats, Web as platform
02. November 2005

David Janes and friends over at microformats.org have written an inspiring greasemonkey script that will find microformat structures on web pages. They include some links to pages with hCard and xFolk content.

When content in a supported microformat is encountered on a page, the script embeds a visual indicator like this one for hCard David Janes' hCard indicator which when clicked produces a context menu. The functions on on the context menu depend upon the microformat. The menu for an hCard includes an “add to address book” item that will invoke Microsoft Outlook to create a contact.

Perhaps the most interesting thing though, is the menu item to map the vCard address with Google Maps. How many times per week do you grovel around the web for some physical coordinates only to then select-copy-paste into the browser search box, the first line of the address, then select-cut-copy-paste the second line in order to generate a map page? The “show on Google Maps” item does it all in one swell foop, taking you directly to the map!

dschud’s COinS-PMH shares with microformats the ability to embed into a static page, sufficient metadata and structure, to support extended processing without any need to re-invoke the web application that produced the content. But what does “extended processing” mean in this context? It means doing something with that content that the originator could not foresee. In the case of the microformats example it means a greasemonkey script. In the case of COinS-PMH the primary example is a “hacked ‘COinS Details’ sidebar”.

So repurposing content, conveniently, in ways unforeseen by its originator is what its all about. The greasemonkey script and the sidebar provide a glimpse of what’s in store. How much unforeseen functionality do the browser add-ons really provide though? In terms of scalability of functionality, should we expect the plug-ins to keep growing to encompass more functionality? For instance, should the hCard script grow to support mash-ups with more web applications beyond Google Maps? How about adding a function to send hCard holder a gift from Amazon?

The beauty of the hCard-Google-Map-mashup-script is that it didn’t require Google’s web app to understand hCard. The script-mashup did the translation. But that translation is at the heart of the scalability shortcoming. If the script has to contain mappings from each microformat to each way I want to use content conformant to that microformat then the opportunity for explosive functionality growth is missed. If on the other hand, the target web application understood the microformat in question, and we had a way to feed the target app conformant content then the scalability bottleneck would be broken. The wheels would be greased.

In a previous post I proposed the notion of a web app clipboard. The basic idea was that AJAX could be used to request content from a source application. The content would land on the operating system clipboard in a simple format (the web app clipboard format) and could then be transmitted to a destination application. Now I’m thinking that the original proposal was overbold. As Ryan Tomayko intimated, there ought to be a way to marry the microformats approach with the web app clipboard. Perhaps its profitable to think initially in terms of the source content being scraped directly off the page, without requiring the additional request to the sourcing web app. We’ve got that functionality in hand. With that in hand we could focus on the other side of the equation — where to send the content. The effect would be that we would no longer have to create both producing and consuming applications — we could start with just consuming ones. Anything that increases the likelihood that two web apps will communicate is a Good Thing. I’m with Phil Bogle and others who’ve pointed out that we need to bootstrap by finding those first two applications.

If a menu item called “copy” was added to the hCard context menu of the greasemonkey script, and that item caused the hCard to land on the operating system clipboard in a simple standard format, then it would just be a question of where the content could be pasted. Then our task is reduced to inducing a few web apps to support the paste action. A really simple first approach to paste support doesn’t even require XMLHttpRequest at all. A receiving web app could simply provide a text box wired to understand the web app clipboard format wrapping an hCard for instance. Paste into a text box works “out of the box” with all browsers. It’s not all that elegant, but it would work.

Giving microformats a place to go (destination applications) and a simple way to get there (the web app clipboard) will break a key bottleneck hindering broad interoperability.

Baby Steps to Synergistic Web Apps  24

Cat.: AJAX, microformats, Web as platform
21. October 2005

The Web Standards Project holds as a fundamental truth: that document structure should be separated from presentation or visual style. This two-tier division is embodied by the XHTML standard for document structure and the CSS standard for visual style specification. Adoption of this strict separation of concerns provides revolutionary opportunities for the economical production of highly accessible, aesthetically pleasing web sites. At the same time huge strides are being made by AJAX innovators like 37signals to provide web application user interfaces on a par with those of desktop applications.

Concurrent with these breakthroughs in web user interface technology and practice, there is a an explosion of XML vocabularies, exemplified by OASIS, OPML, Microsoft Office XML, Open Office XML. A zillion XML vocabularies are blooming. These vocabulares are not presentational in nature like CSS, nor are they addressing document structure like XHTML. These vocabularies represent various other domains, commerce domains like order management, personal collaboration domains like calendar and contact management, media distribution and syndication domains, and myriad technical domains such as remote procedure call, database query, spreadsheet structural model. These vocabularies constitute a huge and growing, free, “domain model” for our world. Development, refinement and adoption of these shared, free domain models presents an unprecedented opportunity for both producers and users of information systems.

Enter web applications. Not static content-oriented websites, but honest to goodness web applications. Think email, calendaring, authoring, supply chain management, customer relationship management. These web applications are manipulating at their core, domain models. Sure, these applications have to present an interface to the user, but the bulk of what the application does is manipulate and manage domain-specific information.

While these web applications are manipulating domain-specific information they are doing precious little to expose that information in interoperable form. At best a web application may support download or upload of files. A contact management web application may for instance support bulk import or export — but where is the ability to conveniently “pick” an address from that application and use it as a “ship to” address at an online buying site?

Each web application is an island. This monolithic approach to web applications favors those product vendors who can make big bets — vendors who can tackle and deliver huge applications. Mash Ups provide a glimmer of hope — but only for developers — not really for end users.

It is not a new situation, that applications manipulate domain-specific information — information that users need to share with other applications. It has ever been so. So what’s the difference with web applications? The difference is that in the case of web applications, the world of document structure and presentation has not been bridged to the world of domain models. If Web 2.0 truly represents a new platform then perhaps we should consider whether there is anything to be learned from the older platforms in this regard. Where was presentation bridged to domain model for instance on the Macintosh, Windows and X-Windows platforms?

Remember Me — I Sat Behind You in Freshman English

On those predecessor platforms, the clipboard paradigm was one very important bridge. In the clipboard paradigm a platform-wide set of gestures is supported by all applications. Those gestures enable a user to designate content, to copy that content to a clipboard, and to later “paste” that content into a different location — either in the original application or in a separate application. The range of gestures was expanded on some platforms to include drag and drop with added semantics at the drop location to support the notion of linking in addition to the traditional copy-paste and cut-paste a.k.a. “move”.

Fundamental to the notion of clipboard is the idea that there are potentially many representations for a given piece of content. This is where the bridging between presentation and domain model takes place. The clipboard can capture many representations at once — allowing the receiving application, in concert with the user to select precisely the level of presentation versus domain meaning desired. When pasting a circuit diagram (model) into an engineering report a presentational representation may be chosen, whereas when pasting the same content into a circuit simulation tool, a domain-specific (circuit modeling) representation may be chosen.

Could the original notion of the clipboard be updated to fit the Web Application architecture? Clearly the benefits would be significant. A new model, allowing web applications to leverage one another under user control means that smaller bets and therefore more bets can be made (by product vendors). More bets means more vendors, more applications, and more functionality delivered sooner to the 2.0 Web. While less can certainly be a competitive advantage to a product vendor, that advantage is only amplified in an environment where users can combine the functions of multiple products. If cut and paste and even Compound Documents were useful in the old platforms then they’re potentially much more useful now given the explosion of open, standard XML vocabularies. The opportunity for interoperability is greater than ever. Yet here we all sit, uploading and downloading files between applications.

Some will say, “but my browser supports cut and paste”. Well yes, the browser does support a limited form of cut and paste. But without access to the domain model, the browser is incapable (without help) of providing a cut and paste capability that goes deeper than document structure. Since the browser sees only the style sheet and the document — and not the underlying domain objects, it has no way (on its own) of loading a clipboard with a RDF vCard for instance, because that RDF vCard structure is never seen in its native form by the browser at all. At best an XHTML representation of that RDF vCard is seen at the browser.

Even if the RDF vCard could make its way onto the clipboard somehow, perhaps along with an XHTML representation and maybe a styled representation as well — there is no standard for presenting the multifaceted contents of the clipboard to the receiving web application. Is there a way to bridge the gap between domain structures and document structure?

What Are We Waiting For

Hang on… doesn’t AJAX provide a way out? Doesn’t AJAX allow various gestures to be captured and acted upon? Doesn’t AJAX allow arbitrary requests and responses between the browser and a web application in response to those gestures? Well sure it does!

If a source application could somehow get a standard “web application clipboard” structure onto the desktop clipboard, and if that structure could be sent by the user to a destination web application then the opportunity would arise for users to create “on the fly” Mash Ups. Users would recapture their lost ability to bridge applications requiring various levels of meaning (remember the circuit diagram example?) Web Applications could be combined by mere mortals in ways unforeseen by the original designers.

So what do we need to do to make it happen? Do we need to form a technical committee in a standards body? Do we need to go make a pitch to the software industry Old Guard? Sounds like it could take a long time and involve a lot of risk.

No I don’t think we need to do anything so heavy weight. Who’s in charge here anyway? We don’t have to ask anyone’s permission, and we really don’t have to ask for anyone’s help. Here’s how I see it going down:

  1. we agree on a standard, almost trivial, vocabulary for describing the clipboard itself. http://www.lesscode.org/clipboard/v0p1
  2. ECMAscript for capturing the cut and copy gestures (in a source application), sends an XMLHttpRequest to the source web application, along with the current “selection” and a command verb — one of “identify”, “copy” or “cut”. Here “selection” is a URI ending in an XPointer identifying the XHTML designated by the user. http://www.lesscode.org/clip-source-request/v0p1
  3. The web application returns a clipboard structure. The structure may contain multiple representation elements. The elements have a well-defined order so that the receiving application knows where the most “presentational” representations are and where the most “domain specific” ones are. Note that the source application may choose in the case of “copy” to place content in the representations either “by value” or “by reference”. The latter necessitates subsequent communication between the destination application and the source application. In the case of “cut”, the content is always returned by value. In the case of “identify” it’s always returned by reference. The “identify” verb is for future expansion to support drag and drop gestures. schema: http://www.lesscode.org/clip-source-response/v0p1 and sample instance document: http://www.lesscode.org/clip-source-response/sample-1
  4. ECMAscript for capturing paste gesture (in destination applications), sends an XMLHttpRequest to the destination application along with the current destination selection (a URI ending in an XPointer) and the current web application clipboard structure and a command verb — either “paste” or “link”. In the case of “paste” the destination application will either paste the content directly from the clipboard (if the content is provided by value) or will acquire the content from the source application (if the content was provided by reference). http://www.lesscode.org/clip-destination-request/v0p1
  5. The destination web application returns a status code. http://www.lesscode.org/clip-destination-response/v0p1

This basic scheme will support copy/paste and cut/paste gestures today and set the stage for drag with drop-copy, drop-move and drop-link later. By focusing first on “by value” cut/copy and paste we avoid thorny issues of distributed trust. The user is in control of the clipboard and there is no direct application to application communication required. Let Big Brains working on things like SAML tackle federated identity management issues. Addressing the clipboard now, and composite applications later constitutes walking before running — or flying. We leave the door open, however, for eventual application to application communication — both for simple efficiency, i.e. avoiding unnecessary routing content through the browser, and for composite application construction.

What Could Happen After That

Picking up what was lost with the move to the Web platform sets the stage for going beyond the predecessor platforms:

  • bridge desktop platform clipboards to web application clipboard - this sounds like a job for the Firefox folks!
  • browser gesture standards for drag and drop including copy, move, link between applications
  • deployment of federated trust standards to support cross-linking of content between web applications
  • A pragmatic approach to exposing the domain model to the browser is to use the class attribute in XHTML to attach semantic or domain meaning to what would otherwise be solely a representation of document structure. This is the approach taken by microformats.org. In fact there is even an XHTML alternative to RDF vCard called hCard. The microformats.org approach unifies document structure with domain models by merging the two. Will XHTML with class tags obviate the need for a web application clipboard protocol? Will microformats make the browser all knowing?

AJAX, now with unit tests!  2

Cat.: AJAX
28. July 2005

Mochikit “is a highly documented and well tested, suite of JavaScript libraries that will help you get shit done, fast. We took all the good ideas we could find from our Python, Objective-C, etc. experience and adapted it to the crazy world of JavaScript. “